Mr. Whitman- after owning Mopars for many years I can relate to your brake lite problem. Those brake fluid operated switches are prone to failure being mounted below the resorvoir, any sediment present accumulates in there. They are still available from Filco and would probably solve the problem for awhile. Or you can do what I've done. After replacing that switch numerous times I decided to eliminate it. The 2 wires that go to it can be re-routed back up under the dash and connected to a conventional pedal activated switch which can be obtained from a later model car. 61' was the last year Chrysler used the hydraulic switch so I looked for a 62' or later model to scavenge. What a surprise when I went to install it on my 61' Newport and found a threaded hole right where it was supposed to go! Just install and adjust. If you do take this route, you could leave the old switch in place with dummy wires to look original or replace the entire M. Cyl. with a later 62-65 unit which will be the same except without the hole on the underside.....Good Luck .....S. LOUTHAN 61 Newport 62 Buick Hearse 68 Barracuda 69 Barracuda 71 Dart