Re: [FWDLK] Horns, Awkscht, Carlisle and such
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Re: [FWDLK] Horns, Awkscht, Carlisle and such

I should be going.  Already have a room (possible extra room since a friend
may not go) and should be bringing the DeSoto the National DeSoto Convention
is three days latter in Valley Forge.  I will be bringing the family, if
anyone wants to meet great.  Let me know.

Walter Landry
'56 DeSoto Firedome

Dave Stragand wrote:

> Does anyone out there have a pair of horns for sale?  The 4-wire type?
> Either Auto-Lite or Sparton.  Both Todd St. Clair and I need them.  I
> adjusted the heck out of my horns, but one is completely dead, and the
> other sounds not unlike the sound when you step on a sleeping cat.
> Kinda a MErrRRrRRroOooOooWwwW sound...  Blecch.  That needs to change.
> =/
> Also, the Das Awkscht Fest that Ron Waters mentioned has a web site, at
>  I think I may check that show out.
> We're about 5 weeks away from the Chryslers at Carlisle show.  Who all
> is planning to go?  Does anyone want to get together at the event?  I
> think I'm going to buy one of those picnic canopy things and set it up
> somewhere where we can all gather.  Hopefully, I'll be able to make and
> fly a "Forward Look" flag by then.  I'm planning to make some fliers for
> the web site and list, and I can make name tags with the Forward Look
> emblem, your cars, and name if it sounds like a way we can pick each
> other out from the crowd.  Before I go to all the trouble, though, I'd
> like to see if I can get a list together of those who will be making the
> trek.  If you're going, please drop me a line!
> -Dave

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