Let's have a little fun on this list and get some of the "lurkers" (me included) to write the list! I know we all have favorite cars and we all want to know others choices. This may be the first list in history not to have a '57 Chevy or '65 Mustang as the top choice. Send in (to the list) your TOP 10 in numeric order and be specific by year. Try not to put " '57 - '59 Plymouths" Spread them out by preferred year and rank them. If we get enough of these over the next week, I will tally the totals and find the "Official Top 10 List for the Forwardlook List". I will give each #1 pick 10 points and #10 picks will get 1 point each. Don't limit it to any certain cars! Put in imports, new cars, Fords or Chevy's. Anything. (I still bet Forwardlook cars take the trophies). This is a favorite car list, not a cars I would own list, so pick your "very most favorite". EVERYONE ENTER! Have fun with it. -Robert