[FWDLK] Gas Protest, gas prices ,Sentras, and the Universe
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[FWDLK] Gas Protest, gas prices ,Sentras, and the Universe

Interesting several posts regarding protest on gas costs....
both on our list and a few received via private E mail.

About 8 weeks ago gas here in West Meeeeeechigan was at 80 cents per gallon.

No protests then!!!!
I recall during the first and second Arab oil embargos of the early 70's gas
was about (grumble) $1.10 and $1.30????  Factor in inflation (the cpi rose
almost 4 fold in that period, I checked) and that gas way back then was
equivalent to between $4.40 and $5.20 a gallon today????  Now U know why the
USA was upset back then.  And add the lines......
I also recall in the early fiftys when we tooled around in my buddys 41 Ford
club coupe, that we were able to get 5 thats FIVE gallons of gas for a buck
during gas price wars!  Cheapest I ever recall. So with the cpi then being
26.5 and it was 163 for 1998, that is equivalent to a 6.15 fold increase OR
at todays cost gas at $1.23 per gallon which is THE SAME AS we are paying
today in this 'crisis'???
I have been corresponding with a gentleman in Ireland for about 3 years, at
that time he was complaining about his 56 Dodge 315 getting only 13 or so mpg
over there and gas was about $3.50 a gal at that time, Imperial gal I guess.
And WE needa protest?
My wife sold her 96 Sentra stick, got 32 to 36 mpg regularly.  I told her at
todays gas costs we really didnt needa worry about 4 mpg or whatever, its
PEANUTS.  Yaz i wuz the one that in about 1971 sold both my cars, a 66
Toronado and a 55 Chrysler St Regis, and bought a 71 Audi that then got an
honest 26 highway with automatic. Maybe that was my gas protest and that was
before the embargos.
So I M not anti gas prices or protests, IF the situation warrants.
Just a fleeting thought, if one really wants to protest maybe we all drive
our Sentras to the Plymouth Club or WPC meets this summer ??????
Seriously folks-
Thanx to living in America I can post this without fear of repression and I
am glad for gas at a buck or so a gallon.
Maybe somehow our worlds tend to get too small and we sweat the small stuff?
I mean those screws gotta be CAD plated not chromed...
(thats a pun son!!!!)

Dont forget, the gas prices will soon go UP again, war or no, cause its
VACATION season!
You can count on it, just like taxes.

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