I was just curious about how other states licensed "old cars". Arkansas has a pretty good deal. You pay a one time fee of $35 and the plate is good for life. You never have to renew or pay any additional fees. There are no mileage or usage restrictions. The only limitations are that 1) you own another "non antique" vehicle. 2) that the car be unaltered from original specs. (no customizing or hot rods etc.). Only safety allowances are made, as in dual master cylinders, seatbelts etc. Also there are now safety or emmittions inspections required here. The only down side is the stupid looking plates they give you. They are black with white #s and letters and have a 4" tall cartoonlike jalopy on one side. I'm about ready for the road but really hate the plates. I'm going to see if any exceptions are made, like "vanity" or whatever. I've heard that some states allow you to register a 1960 tag, or whatever, by it's original #'s Deane |