Attached is a copy of my build sheet information, this is a copy of the information that was written out for me. Just wanted to send it in, so that the people who are interested in getting this will get an idea of what you get for your $35. I would suggest that you get your build sheet before the Germans decide to burn the old Chrysler books. I was told by a friend that the Plymouth division is in jeopardy once again...... ___________________________________________ YEAR - 1955 MAKE - PLYMOUTH MODEL- BELVEDERE SERIAL# - 26549439 MODEL NAME - #6 <BELVEDERE> MODEL CODE ENGINE NO. PREFIX- P27-2 PLANT - L.A. STARTING SERIAL NUMBER - 26,524,001 CLOSING SERIAL NUMBER - 26,550,290 REGION # - 71 DEALER# - 08615 LOS ANGELES, CA <HARGER HALDEMAN> BODY TYPE - 864 = CLUB SEDAN COLOR - 688 = 2 TONE LOWER BLACK UPPER = ORLANDO IVORY TRIM - 410 BLACK SILVER -THREAD RAYON-COTTON RED DOESKIN VINYL BOLSTERS DATE BUILT - AUG. 18, 1955 DATE SHIPPED - AUG. 19, 1955 _____________________________________ ___________________________________________ |