Good Morning All, There is a swapper type magazine we get here on occasion, called "The Round-Up". It has both photo and text ads (I know Mel's seen it... he's got a nice ad in it!). Anyway, I was monkeying around with my new scanner this morning and thought I'd share the attached. There are also a few text ads with a '56 Savoy 2dr for $995, a '56 Belvedere 4dr for $450, a '60 300F for $22K, and a '61 300G for $18K. Let me know if you need more info on these. Anyway, the Round-Up is a good source for FL stuff - US subscriptions are $17.50/yr, $32.50/2yrs, $45.00/3 yrs, and it comes out every two weeks. News stand cost is $1.99. Private owner ads are free. Address is: The Round-Up Magazine, P.O.Box 453, Jane Lew, WV, 26378. Steve |