Re: IML: $635 tail lamps. wow. & parts availability & ebay
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Re: IML: $635 tail lamps. wow. & parts availability & ebay

Interesting threads on these subjects.....

and if you run pre war cars something you take for granted....

Parts availability for pre war Imperials is very poor....or so I believe if my experiences in advertising for bits is anything to go by

In England we have the same problems with Motor Factors...either they are very good ..or useless, and when you ask for a particular part by number question what you want it for....which makes for interesting conversations.. especially when you want it fo a totally different application than the one it is listed for.

e bay, I discovered  ebay at the begining of this year having been aware of it before but never really got interested.. I have bought things on there I havent been able to find anywhere else....No I have never been to Hershey it clashes with another event I do...

Sometimes I am sure I have been guilty of paying over the odds...but then wonder if I have as I dont see another bit the same coming up, when we go to autojumbles we are happy with the great purchase for $20 ignoring the costs of getting there, entry, accomodation if it is a two day or more event etc.... so the $20 part probably cost two or three times that in is the same part on e bay at $35 expensive....probably not when you cost in all the other factors.

It definetely pays to look at the other bidders on ebay and the sort of things they buy as it gives you a feel for whether you are wasting your time bidding as another is determined to have it.

As well as my 29 L*80 I have a 31  CD deluxe drophead coupe with unique coachwork by the Carlton carriage  company of London (not am Imperial but on of the stateside auction houses catalogued one as am Imperial last year ( a Phaeton). it is missing a small cover from the base of the radiator which covers the starting handle hole...a piece of chromed metal enamalled with a chrome 8 on it... one has just sold on e bay...$175 I was under bidder at $160 . why are they so rare?? because they are held in place with a spring steel clip...they fall off and are also easy for the light fingered brigade to remove...I stopped bidding because I could see it going over $200 and could I justify paying that for something so ealy to lose...and if I hadnt told you about it something very few people would know was missing!   But if anyone has one for $25 please let me know as it would have a good home!


Nigel Plant  

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