Subscriber(s): Roland H. Ellsworth
Email Address is: amas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Location: Upper Sacramento Valley Car(s) owned: 1957 Crown Convert. One 1964, and One 1967 Imperial LeBarons Seven 1981-1983 Self-Introduction: Unfortunately I am overwhelmed by ownership of these cars. I started with one 1982 Imp with EFI, (my wifes car), which we both thought was a super sutomobile. That is, up to about 75,000 miles. At that point it became the most unreliable, unpredictable, in and out of Chrysler service stations, and nothing but a pile of expense. To this day my wife wants nothing to do with a Chrysler automobile. Finally I decided that no damned car was going to get the best of me, so I paid way too much for a retrofitted to carburetion 82. Parked them both under a shade tree where I dismantled and junked the complete EFI system from my original car; and installed the carburetor and it's component parts from the second acquisition onto my original. This was a mistake to do this to the second car, but I couldn't believe the achieved super results it brought to the original 82. This car was driveable again and I am convinced it was better running than it ever was with the EFI. However, my wife never rode in it again. Shortly after this, I located two 1982 Imps. One original EFI in beautiful condition, and one in not to good shape, retrofitted to carburetor. What a deal!!! Owning both of them, I could again get rid of the EFI, and make me another beautiful 1982 Imperial. Well, that never happened; and when other cars became available, the same dumb idea possesed me to acquire more. Anyway, is anyone looking for parts, or wanting 81-83 Imps. Actually my idea of restoring these cars was interupted by a gift of probably the most restorable 1957 Crown Convertible around these parts. Now I am getting nothing done to any of the cars, because the frustration of working on one, when I should be doing something to another is too great. Sounds dumb, but real! Somebody told me, and I listened, that owning Imperials would someday be profitable; so the reason for the 64 and 67 Imperial LeBarons. I am tired of this great potential profitability surrounding me so I am dumping cars. Anyone interested? I am trying my best in getting committed to the 57 convert; so that isn't leaving ,..yet. Just noticed, well past midnite, and enough on me. |
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