My 70 LeBaron 4DHT has power side windows (they were standard) but manual vent windows. Seems that about half of the 70s I see have manual vents. The same is true for the 69s. Also, I'm constantly amazed to find 69 and 70 Imps with manual door locks! Power locks were optional on the top-of-the-line Mopar. And that's a long seat to reach across for lock knob grabbing. I've been looking for an excellent pair of black front door panels for a car with power vents for years. That's because I long ago scrounged the wiring harness, switches, and vent motors/brackets from a wrecked 70 with power vents. All I need are the panels. Pete in PA 70 LeBaron 4DHT Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 07:30:45 -0700 (PDT) From: Mike Pittinaro <mechimike@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: IML: power windows debate, just the facts, ma'am! Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dimitris and I were having a friendly debate yesterday about when (if ever) power windows were optional on Imperials. I was under the belief that 1966 was the last year that manual windows were standard (or, at least, offered) and 1967 was the first year of all power windows on all Imperials. Dr. Dardalis disagrees, believing that power windows were standard on Imperials since 1955. Is either of us correct? Does anyone have "proof" of a 1955 to 1966 Imperial with manual windows? We *know* all Imperials post-1967 have power windows, of course. Thanks in advance for settling an argument!
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