To the best of my knowledge seat belts were available for the 1960 Imperial at the factory. They were an accessory which was ordered and installed at the factory (part No. 1902 291 - $23.95 installed). This is why some came off the line with them and some didn't.
The 1960 Imperial Review from Motor Life magazine, November 1959 (Page 64-65) states the following;
"Best of the new features are a double padded instrument panel, improved seat belt design and a wonderful emergency warning flasher system"
I have taken the pics of mine and will scan them and send them to you when they are ready. Yes they are of the aircraft design made of webbing material and mine are green - yes green. I have heard that green belts were in many vehicles in those days even though my veh is black with grey broadcloth seats. I have heard that some people say that the colour was originally grey and that over the years it has somehow turned green due to the sunlight etc however this is not so. When undoing the rear floor bolt and buckle there is some webbing covered by the buckle for over 40 years (no light) and it is green. They are exactly 5cms wide (2").
I believe that the U.S. Government didn't make it mandatory for car-makers to install seatbelts in their vehicles till 1962 or there about.
All the best
Larry Blomberg
(1960 LeBaron Sedan)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: IML: Seat belt webbing
I don't think that your car had factory seatbelts, if it had belts at all they would have been aftermarket ones. There was an old set of seatbelts in my car, aftermarket of course, and they were woven from nylon webbing the same as the new ones are. They were basically aviation type seatbelts with a chrome buckle that you have to pull open to undo, if you want some appropriate to your car I would find a set of lap belts like these. J.C Whitney, among other places, still sell these things in multiple colours. Nylon goes back a long ways so unless you had a set from a 1930's aircraft I doubt whether they would be made out of canvas or leather.
Best Regards
Arran Foster
1954 Imperial Newport
Needing A Left Side Tailight Bezel and other trim parts.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:34 PM
Subject: IML: Seat belt webbing
Hi all,
I am thinking of putting period seatbelts in my Le Baron . I know nothing of the webbing or the width etc, plus the correct colour for the brown interior for my Le Baron. Were the original seatbelts made from canvas ?
60 Le Baron.