67-68 8 track Stereo Player on eBay
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67-68 8 track Stereo Player on eBay

I think that it is great that you are calling our attention to this accessory. 
It is for a 1968 Imperial, right? I have to ask you, though, about the nature 
of 8 tracks, Dick. 

I also have an older car with a factory 8 track player. I paid a lot of money 
to have it restored. The problem is that all of the 8 track tapes that I have, 
come undone at the end of the loop after they are played a few times. I have 
taken some of them apart and it appears as though the peice of scotch tape that 
holds the audio tape on the spool comes undone rather than change direction 
(which is what I think it is suppose to do). This seems to be due to the age of 
the tapes and nothing else. I have run through about 175 tapes this way and now 
I simply throw them out when it happens. They are becoming harder to find, but 
I haven't been buying them anymore since they never seem to last. I even tried 
to reattach them, but haven't been successful in rethreading the cartridge 
correctly. I finally bought an adapter that will allow the 8 track player to 
play cassettes.


In a message dated 1/2/2004 11:27:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, dickb@xxxxxxxxx 

> I may get my knuckles rapped for posting this, but these are so very rare,
> and they sound so good when they are installed, that I hope someone on the
> IML will pick it up.  Caution - don't buy this unless your car is already
> set up for Stereo (not just plain AM-FM) as you won't have the right
> speakers and wiring.
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2451975113
> Dick Benjamin (ask the man who owns one!)

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