Dan, Take a piece of cardboard and put it between the fan and radiator and then gently tap the fan from behind with a piece of wood and hammer. The four bolts that hold the fan to the pump are all that hold it in place and it may be rusted in place. There is a small tip on the end of the water pump that is used to center the fan to the pump when it's installed, makes it easier that way. Dave U. 81 Imp 94 Dakota (My baby) 02 Stratus (wife's) -----Original Message----- From: mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Daniel M Wing Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2003 8:51 PM To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [-Possible SPAM-] IML: Getting the fan off Hi, I have removed the 4 bolts from the front of the water pump pulley, and the 4 bolts from the viscous drive unit that the fan is attached to. So, how does the fan come off? Does it slide off the pump shaft? Can I pry on the flange w/o breaking anything? Can I pry on the viscous drive, between it and the fan itself? -help! Dan Wing Marcy, NY USA imp1983@xxxxxxxx ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!