Here's a recap of what I've learned about Johnny Rotten so far: [1] He's bitter. Maybe he became bitter after people ripped him off, or maybe he was always bitter and ripped others off. [2] Some people have had excellent results with him, others...not. [3] There are some juicy "urban legends" about him. Myself, I've had a shotgun waived at me several times looking for old car parts, and lost count of the number of good and bad interchanges buying and occasionally selling parts. Overall, in my opinion most car people are [a] a bit weird and [b] the nicest people you'd ever meet. Keep in mind that to have a stock of old crates one must have had the vision to have bought them when no one else wanted them, to hang onto them in the face of angry neighbors, local zoning ordinances, environmental requirements, etc. I'm not loaded with money, but I don't expect people to give me old parts or cars for nothing, though that has happened. If you keep in mind that restoring cars is fun, it will be. If you have to deal with John Rosen, good luck. At least with this spirited [and continuing] interchange, you will know what to expect. As my wife says, "end of sermon." --Roger van Hoy, '55 DeSoto, '58 DeSoto, '42 DeSoto, '66 Plymouth, '81 Imperial, Washougal, WA