Hi List, As promised I will give you a quick run down on the saled of my Regal Blue 67 Imp Conv. I had the car listed for 10 days on E/Bay and the car went on a Sunday 3:45 P.M. lasting to 14,100 by Friday evening and I thought I would hit my reserve ($18,500) by the week end, it did not even though I talked to several very interested people, and a few jerks, one gentleman called me Sunday night and asked what my reserve was and I told him, he asked what I would do if the reserve was not met. I told him I would not sell the car because it was worth the reserve price, still do, he said he would wait and see what happens, on Monday night at 10:30 his time he called and said if I would take the car off le/bay he would buy the car for reserve, I did and he did. On Thursday of last week I received a bank draft in the full amount along with the trucking firm (Inner City) instructions on picking up the car, Money is in the bank and car should be picked up on the 28th or 29th. What I am saying is I think many people who have Imperials sell them a little short and are not adamant on what price to hold for their cars. They are very good cars, a little rare BUT not very popular or desireable but to a few folks, but hell Chrysler did not advertise Imperial well when the wer new, so why would they become popular now. I sold my 68 Caddy Convertable a few years ago by word of mouth and was deluged with calls on it and sold if for my asking price in 3 days. Will let everyone know when the car leaves for New York, I know some of you will (from N.Y.) will wlant to see it. I will give the gentleman and with his permission will give you his E-Mail address and name. It's been f who bought it all the info on the Imperial Club and this List.It's been fun and I learned a lot from this club, thank you all it's a great club Dicked 67 Imper (once removed) Visalia, CA
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