Hugh, Good luck!! I am close to getting myself 'terminated' where I work. I almost wish they would let me go. FAR less stress. Far more time to work on "Angles" as I may name my 83. Holley carbs. Now that I think of it, my 1979 Dodge Magnum had a Holley carb, and from what I have been reading, it MUST have been why that 360 ran like crap most of the time. I would tune it up, and the next day (or even later the SAME day) it would shake, rattle and roll. I looked into the sequential tail lights that are spoken of on the site. Has anyone tried to install them on an 80s Imp? I think it might be kinda 'kool' to have. Dan Wing Marcy, NY USA imp1983@xxxxxxxx ________________________________________________________________ Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit