Regarding the Airflow in Uruguay, I have seen it too, it is actually an Airstream. I was down there for the first (and last) Uruguay Imperial and Mopar (in that order) convention. Why the last-well see book below. Anyway, the owner of the Airstream six cylinder and i had a few beers in the local bar Emilios Tornado (like the weather thing-not the Cadillac). Anyway, let me rephrase that -we had what the local brewers call "beer". Anyway, fortunately I picked up the tab, and I cannot understate that!. Anyway, he is quite un-American so my suggestion to join the IML was not warmly received. Anyway, I told him I had an uncle in the states who was a member-si senor!, etc. Anyway, he was so very un-American that I had to keep buying him beers-a big kinda angry fellow, though a few of my jokes did help. Anyway, I was able to make some headway giving him simple advice on cleaning his battery posts with baking soda and water and he roared when I said "and then Bob's you're uncle!" Anyway, That led to my uncle Bob humor routine and it was downhill from there. Sadly, I saw and heard him crumble the left front fender as he exited and I am in deep therapy over guilt. He said it was the only Airflow in Uruguay (I wasn't about to tell him its an Airstream) He glanced my direction right after the impact and looked very very angry and I left the country for sunny California where the natives are friendly and give good Imperial advice. and the golfing is good and occasionally you run into a famous golfer with an Imperial. What I find delightful is the fact that his name is Roberto! After the uncle Bob routine I was not about to tell him that Bob is uh ummmm short for Robert which is short for Roberto... Jerry53 author "The Imperial Adventures of Jerry" with a forward from our very own Dick Benjamin! Additional commentary from Gale Jorgenson. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Gale, Prenston (L)" <gale@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: "'Terry & Andree Hoeman '" <tehoema@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 4:32 AM Subject: RE: IML: chrysler airflow > There is a 6 cyl Airflow. I've seen one in Montevideo Uruguay. If anyone > needs pictures, I can send a few of the car itself but, the hood is down so > you can't see the motor. > > Prenston > > -----Original Message----- > From: Terry & Andree Hoeman > To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Sent: 2/24/03 7:05 PM > Subject: Re: IML: chrysler airflow > > Desoto was 6 cylinder only Chrysler was 8 cyl only. At least that is > what > my 35 C! coupe in the garage tells me. > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Dick Bachman" <hamcnab@xxxxxxxxx> > To: <mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 5:34 PM > Subject: IML: chrysler airflow > > > > did chrysler ever produce a 6 cylinder airflow? > > > > dick & jeanette > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
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