Our once embarrassingly poor web site has been transformed into one that just may win a prize from T.A.M., the Texas Association of Museums. Not only does it contain copious amounts of information about our own exhibits, the site also contains one of the best resources for the history of transportation to and around San Antonio. As well as a page giving a chronological history of transportation in the city from 1850 to the present, there are additional pages that focus on civil aviation and the various railroads that have served San Antonio. There are over 180 pictures of the Southern Pacific alone. With the S.P., S.A. & A.P., M.P. and M.K.T. pages complete there are still some more to come, including not only AMTRAK and the Union Pacific, but the San Antonio, Fredericksburg & Northern and the San Antonio, Ulvade & Gulf railroad as well. You need to check it out!
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