I am thinking of having a vinyl top put on my '71 and had a question. After talking to my local upholstery/auto top guy-- who restores old Mopars-- he said he could buy a kit, or a pre-cut top for my Imperial. My concern is the seams. I like the way the original seams on the Chrysler & Imperial tops look, and I'm worried that a pre-cut top will not look right. Kerry Pinkerton pointed out to me the area where the difference is most noticeable: the rear. (Around the backlight) When you stand directly behind the car and look at an original top, the seams are almost perfectly vertical and parallel to each other. This is hard to describe in words. What I mean is, the seam goes like this: I I I WINDOW I I On an aftermarket "kit," they look like this: I I I WINDOW I I This is a poor respresentation, but hopefully you get the idea. The seams spread out toward the bottom. They are straight if you lay the vinvyl on the ground, but when you wrap the straight edge over the curved roof, the line doesn't stay straight. My question is, can you buy the vinyl in uncut sheets? Has anyone done it that way? Or do I HAVE to get a "kit?" Thanks, Mark