My green 68 sedan is running a bit too warm lately. This car has had rust in the block, and I have tried to flush it unsucessfully in the past. As some might recall, I had temporarily solved the problem by adding a motorcycle radiator behind the grill, and hooking it up with heater hoses and valves. But now, this auxiliary radiator is clogged! The main radiator seems to flow throughout its height, since its uniformly warm. Also, that radiator is not original, since its number does not match the manual. I have been told its a 3 core radiator. Somebody is selling me a 4 core radiator that the numbers match. The questions to the group are two. First, how can I confirm that the radiator on my car right now is indeed a 3 core? If it is, then the 4 core should do a better job. Second, is if I give you the part number, can somebody identify what the radiatorcame from? If yes, this will happen in the morning. Thanks, D^2, 2x68s, both non original radiators!