I recently had the timing on my 392 equipped Imp too far advanced. I was amazed at the difference retarding it made to starting the old girl. I shouldn't have been. I drive enough old cars, like Model A's, on which you manually set the timing to suit conditions, and one of those is to retard it almost all the way to get the thing started. In my case, advancing the spark proved to be a not good move all around. No longer hving a timing mark that I can detect does not help. Sigh! My starter is weak, now, but, then again, it may be the one thing on the car that remains untouched since 1994 when we got it going again. Just when I get the car to start nicely, even when hot, the solonoid goes out almost completely. I just need it for three more days. Then, on Thursday,I will get the thing off, rebuilt and put back on in time to go out to play this weekend. Why is it my best laid plans only involve getting me laying under a big old Imperial, filthy and bruised, probably cut in at least one place and somewhat poorer all around for the experience? Hugh