Next week's Dallas Meet is looking very doubtful, I'm afraid. It was scheduled for next Saturday, the 23rd, but circumstances are making this date seem less and less likely. Several key players in the Metroplex area have indicated some problems, plus it happens to be the same day as the Arlington swap meet. Most seriously of all, Wayne has a major family health crisis to deal with. Of course he has to make this his priority. As he was essentially the local host of the gathering, this will make the gathering even more difficult to sustain. I cannot do it from San Antonio, as I hardly know how to find Dallas, let alone navigate within it to places of Imperial interest. I am optimistic about trying to reschedule this gathering. I personally can still come up if anyone wants to take over as host. There isn't to much to it. I'd suggest keeping the original meeting point. I look forward to hearing what others have to say on the subject. Hugh