>window sticker as well as the invoice, thus making it original. > Enough with the grousing about deck lids already. Lets just enjoy >these fine cars, each in our own way, as long as we don't hurt anyone or >destroy anything. > Lifes to short to worry about everything being just so perfect, that >will come later. > > Allan R > 62 conv with toilet seat soon Allan and all, I have a Mopar Collision Parts List book from 1963. This is a mother mopar publication. On page IM-4, it shows an Imperial with the flightsweep trunk. It is part number 1877585 and lists for $99.50 On page IM-5, there is an Imperial with the other, regular, trunk lid. It is part number 2425297 and sells for $85.50. If it wasn't available in that year, then how does it have a part number and price? Danny