Announcing a date for an Imperial Meet in Dallas. It will be on Saturday March 23. Between Wayne and me, we have come up with a date for the upcoming Dallas Imperial meet. Saturday March 23. We have not made any plans more definite than that. Wayne will choose a meeting point and an itinerary for the day. There have been several suggestions made, including a visit to a huge scrap yard. As it was raining badly last year, we may decide just to wait and see on the day. Several people last year, though busy, made a point of coming to the initial meeting point, just to say hi and make acquaintances, before setting off for the tasks of their day. Last year's get together was very good, despite the rain. This year, not only will we have the usual Dallas/Fort Worth contingent, but a good number of people from further afield, Louisiana, Austin, Marble Falls and Houston. Feel free to join our happy band. Hugh