IML: exhaust manifold studs for chrysler Big Block 413
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IML: exhaust manifold studs for chrysler Big Block 413

What are "brash nuts" or was that just a typo? Are they something miraculous that will dispense with the danger of frozen manifold nuts/broken studs?

Rob van der Es wrote:
Hi list,

I have finally found myself a good driverside exhaust manifold for my 1960 Imperial. Last summer I broke the flange of my original manifold (front pipe hit a large roadbump..) and although it was welded again it still leaks a little (problably a warped flange due to welding....).
During the removal I snapped 3 manifold studs, they were broken off 
flush with the head.
I was able to remove two studs by drilling them out carefully, without 
damaging the threads.
Since I couldn't find the manifold studs anywhere I used bolts then to 
secure the welded manifold again.
The third broken stud couldn't be removed at that time, there was (and 
is..) no room for a conventional drill.
This is the last one on the driverside of the car.
Recently I found my self an angled drill (90 degrees head, total tickness only 3 inches!), so I should be able to drill that last one out too! (after preparing myself mentally for this terrible job..)
Then I will be finally able to mount an original exhaust manifold 
without any repaired cracks :)
And to do the job real good, I want to replace my 3 broken studs with 
new ones.
Does anyone have  a source where I can buy

a) 3 new exhaust manifolds studs (stainless steel would be great, but standard will also do) b) 6 brash nuts (to avoid future trouble when I ever have to remove that manifold again, which heaven should forbid!)

1960 Imperial 4Dr HT

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