When I worked at the Chrysler-Jefferson Plant (1954 -
1960) I knew C.E. (Clare) Briggs. He was the head of sales in 1954 but when
Ed Quinn was promored to Highland Park, Clare moved up to became
Chrysler-Imperial Division General Manager and he was made a Corporate
My most memorable incident concerning Clare Briggs
involved push button controls for the automatic transmission. Clare drove
himself to/from home - although he was authorized to have a chauffer. His
car was parked in the Jefferson Plant garage pointed at the garage door which
was usually open. At the end of the day Clare jumped in his car - pushed the "D"
button - and with enough throttle to "chirp" the tires he was out the door
without even turning the steering wheel. One year (I think it was 1959) during
the day the garage personnel parked a new model (probably a
1960) Imperial in Clare's stall. Clare jumped in the car at the end of the
day - pushed a button and backed into the cement wall behind the
car. He damaged the wall - the car - and his pride. Clare either wasn't told -
or did not remember - that we had rearranged the push buttons. From top to
bottom 1959 was N-D-R-2-1 while 1960 was R-N-D-2-1. We changed the buttons so
that the forward gears would be separated from reverse by neutral
Everybody at the Jefferson Plant heard about it but Clare
never brought the subject up with the engineers for discussion - or
Burt Bouwkamp[
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