Jay King
Roanoke, Virginia
Honey Gold 1973 Imperial LeBaron 4DHT
Sterling Silver 1981 Chrysler Imperial Coupe
Nightwatch Blue 1987 Chrysler Fifth Avenue
. . . and a '73 Honey Gold Valiant sedan that hasn't been added to the signature file
Been awhile since I asked, so here's another question.
First one to reply to the WHOLE LIST wins public
recognition of their mastery on this topic.
Winning reply will contain a link to a "proof" from
the imperialclub.com website and an explanation that
closes the loop on my hint, OK?
What Imperial had a premium "feature" that was
subsequently to become synonymous with Ferrari cars
and even the name of a Ferrari model?
Skip the WHATS NEW page - this one's been floating
around in the site for awhile.
Kenyon Wills