From: YBSHORE@xxxxxxxFellow Imperialist's:Kenyon, as usual, is right. There are several insurance companies thatcater to our vintage needs. JC Taylor will insure YOUR car for WHATEVERvalue you choose [and based on existing condition of vehicle with pictures] andyou will pay as such.....that said, these companies understand how we carefor our cars ( low mileage, limited driving , baby care ) and it is taken intoheavy consideration....and if recollection serves, although I wish I couldcarry more, my cars are all in the same 3+/2- condition and my '68 300 for 25Kwith all the inherent collision, and personal injury to 250K, etc., -evenwindows- costs me about $170 here in Massachusetts and my '56 Imperial with 25Kworth of coverage costs just about that as well, the '55 New Yorker is 20K and $130 or so, these rates existing on vanity/antique platesONLY......according to my insurance agent, I can raise 'my stake' anytime, paying for theprivilege of course, but satisfied.......
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