I've been thinking about the heir who might be the
recipient of the rotting carcass of a '57 Plymouth. I assume the City
fathers/mothers are smart enough to offer it to the winner in it's current state
of horribleness, and offer to accept it back as a tax-deductible donation
to some City-controlled foundation. From that point the City would be
free to restore or otherwise preserve it. Plainly, unless
the "winner" of the car is a millionaire, no other individual is
likely to want a water-logged hunk of rust... unless it's someone from the
IML! Are you sick enough to want it??!!! I am!
Anyway, we'll all be watching closely to see what
'58 Southampton (My own time capsuled/"preserved"
in a barn since '77.)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2007 4:01
Subject: IML: Tulsa '57 Plymouth- Only
time will tell the story
I would think there would be a fairly good value in the engine
and transmission if they were not compromised too much. I remember
reading a story about a 1920's Ford that was recovered 75 years later from one
of the Great lakes after it fell through the ice. The oil was changed
and a carb replacement done and new ignition and the engine ran
perfectly. The rest of the car was not so good, but it was a testament
to Ford's reliable motor and it was purchased by Ford and put on
display. So lets wait and see how Mopar's motor survived? Only
time will
Steve Restelli Webmaster: http://BarreCity.net http://HistoryTV.net http://Zworykin.com