IML: Please Welcome john walsh
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IML: Please Welcome john walsh

New Subscriber(s): john walsh
Email Address is: jwalsh.john@xxxxxxxxx
Member Location: madison, wisconsin

Car(s) owned: 1963 Chrylser Crown Imperial white convertible

Self-Introduction: Hello! I am new to the Club and new to the ownership of a classic car. I shopped for years--maybe 10 or so--and finally decided that if I did not finally buy a car of my dreams I would end up being too old to ever enjoy it. I found a great fellow named Ron from Sarasota who was selling off a few of the cars in his collection. From quite a number of conversations I realized this guy really loved his cars; if I was ever to buy a car from someone I didn't know, this seemed to be the guy I should trust and deal with. I always loved the Chrysler Imperials with the headlights mounted like spotlites on the dash, and last summer purchased the 1963 Chrysler. I knicked name her "Nancy" because she's a beauty and that is the name of the seller's wife. It has about 38K miles and I found a guy who has spent 50 years building his auto service business who, along with one of his long term employees, knows more about the 63 Chrysler than I will ever know. Anyway, I love th nd get Nancy back out of storage!

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