Dear Kate,
Your tender Imperial farewell triggers the
While Mr. Ullman is happy I would hope that missing having an
Imperial plus having enabling circumstances will find you once again at the
wheel of a suitable Corporate Flagship.
Our best family trips across the USA from North to South and
West to East (and home again each time!) have been in two-door Imperials of 1962
and 1966 vintage. Six to eight-thousand mile journeys in comfort plus
reasonable fuel consumption proved the Imperial Idea, mile after mile.
Only once did I open the Carter's secondaries during the past 32 years and that
was in a safety situation in Arizona's mountain country during one of six
Governor's Cup competitions entered. So many
adventures! San Francisco, Grand Canyon, San Diego, St. Louis, Detroit,
Little Big Horn, Gettysburg, Washington State and D. C., USS Constitution, USS
Massachusetts, USS Alabama, USS North Carolina, the Eisenhower Lock,
the Eisenhower Tunnel, Eisenhower Interstate System, Hannibal, Presidential
libraries of Hoover, Roosevelt, Reagan, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Walter P. Chrysler
home at Ellis, KS and King's Point, NY, Canada's beauty, Vicksburg,
Chancellorsville, Lookout Mountain, Antietam....a sharp shout to thwart a
charging youngster targeting a 1962 Imperial Tail Lamp at the Air Force
Imperials can do it all...with those wonderful HEMIs of
1951-1958 leading the fleet for fuel economy "potential" that as
resisting temptation. The magnificent 1957 took top honors in the Mobilgas
Economy Run.
Tom McCahill called it right!
Good luck, KT!