-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Frederick Joslin" <fljoslin@xxxxxxxx>
1965 was the last year for the 413. I would go with a 440. If the engine is not original it is not original. I see no point in replacing the original 413 witha non-original 413 just to try and keep it "original" which it is not..
There should be no external differences between a 1965 413 and a 1966 440 so no one would know anyway.
PAW https://secure.pawengineparts.com/newform.html sellscomplete 440 engine kits with blocks for around $2500.----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott & Lise Scheuermann"
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: IML: '65 engine possibilities
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 21:35:55 -0600
I have a 65 with the 413, which I understand was the last year for that
engine (a friend with a '66 has a 440) Since my engine has a cracked block
AND an internal problem, I am thinking that my best option is to replace the
original engine instead of trying to rebuild. I am first looking for a 413,
but am wondering if a 440 would be an easy swap? Seems like 440's are
everywhere. Surely someone on this list has tried to do this. Is it a good
idea, or should I just wait till the right 413 comes along? Since I plan to
tow a 5000# Airstream travel trailer (1960) I need to have a strong and
reliable drive train.
Scott Scheuermann
1965 Imper ial 4 door hardtop
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