New Subscriber(s): Wayne Email Address is: waynex4651@xxxxxxx Member Location: New York City
Car(s) owned: None
Self-Introduction: Hello! I am an Auto Mechanic by trade and a Chrysler corp. fanatic for life. I ply my trade by repairing the vehicles and equipment for the City of New York. Recently I have been given an oppurtunity that may never come my way again. Myself and a co-worker (who is an antique car fanatic as well) have been assigned to work on the NYC parade Imperial. Recently I have been using this great resource to help us with some of the items needing attention on this car, most notably, the rear brakes and general maintenance. For those who are curious, the car is in very good shape and is reacting well to our TLC. We are considering an upgrade to a dual master cylinder/booster in the name of safety and would like to hear from anyone who has done this upgrade to a similar chassis. Since the majority of my time has been spent with late '60's to present cars, this is the first time I have done work to a vehicle such as this phaeton. I now have a new appreciation for these cars and the engineering that went into them. This was truly a time when everyone in Detroit had mind of their own!