----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenyon Wills"
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: IML: The 1955 and the Rhinoceros
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 23:48:19 -0800 (PST)
greg pitman <grizlyrr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Kenyon, If you thimk you can save this roof with bondo, then do it.
Thanks, Greg and all. The car now has a SALVAGE title, and I want a get-me-by solution. Welding is correct, but I'm in a hurry with no time to learn that skill and am lazy and cheap in this instance. As I said in the other message, I don't see much downside and acept the risk. Proper prep may get me an extra decade? We'll see.
I did this on the rear seam on my 1960 LeBaron to a degree, and you know, I wonder what will happen on that car when I go over a driveway approach crooked and the body flexes. My pessimistic imagination gets the better of m e, and I can see it coming off in cakes and lumps.
Since part of this process involves me teaching myself to paint a car and do all of the prep work, the prospect of having to redo things differently is more a time thing than if I had paid someone the money to do all of this work, and I honestly get a kick out of taking shortcuts once in awhile when I get away with them. They pay off more than they bite me, and I'll not only own the mistakes, I'll talk about them because I really don't embarass that easily.
If I can do an engine swap because the writing on the windscreen of the car says "bad engine" only to figure out that it was a bad starter motor (hi Pauline!) after I've given away the perfectly good engine that was "bad" and replaced it with another one, well eating crow here and demonstrating what not to do shouldn't be that hard.
Fred Joslin
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