FW: IML: Imperial on Billboard!
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FW: IML: Imperial on Billboard!

Last time I heard, the City of Los Angeles still owns and maintains their Parade Phaeton - that may be the one on display at the Petersen Museum.


From: Bob Schmitt <bsbrbank@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Subject: IML: Imperial on Billboard!
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 10:35:39 -0700

Hi all -

This may have been mentioned before, but I just noticed a VERY large Parade Phaeton on a billboard on the Fairfax side of the Petersen Museum, announcing the "Cars of the Heads of State" show through January. This is the Phaeton from the Imperial Palace museum, where its history wrongly claimed to be a "White House" car. (Before we launch off on a mail thread, read the IML website history of these cars or from my FAQ, http://teamchicago.com/imperial/prdphaet.htm.)

I tried to get a photo while driving down Wilshire but my digital camera was slow to warm up - perhaps tomorrow.


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