David C. Wilker Jr. USAF (RET)
Just put a brand new long block 413 in my 64 Imp Convt., but it doesn't idle properly and is very sluggish off the line. We did a new PS unit, water pump, radiator, master brake cylinder, coil, points, condenser, cap, wires, plugs and an Edelbrock 1406.
We set the plug gap at 35, points at 16 and the dwell dropped to 21. I hooked up the vacuum advance hose to the driver side port on the carb and wired the electric choke thru the whatumacacallit on the firewall.
we set the timing to 10 and got it to idle smooth, then it would get rough in gear, like it had a vacuum leak. Then we were able to get it falrly smooth by readjusting the distributor and it roared in park. In gear, it's smooth but slow off the line and pings.
My mechanic is tearing his hair out and I'm not too happy, either.
Any suggestions on this one?
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