Re: IML: Survey for 67-68
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Re: IML: Survey for 67-68

When a long-time contributor with a track record for being as positive and friendly as Mark responds this strongly to another long-term member with an honorable track record of his own like Roy, maybe it's time for everyone to take a step back from this whole matter and contemplate quietly to one's self, without fingers near keyboard.

I'd like to suggest a moratorium on the subject for one week, and that would include postponing the survey for that time as well.

When the topic reopens, let it be a quiet announcement that the survey has opened for X period of time and who will be welcome to participate in it, and then perhaps some polite discussion of the results.

Hopefully by then the battle over who's opinion matters most (no one's, of course), who's done the most for the IML (so many), who was ever in on the inside joke years ago, and why it should or shouldn't matter... will all have been washed away by the realization that sometimes close families step on each other's toes, eat the last cookie in the jar, or do things that, quite simply, annoy and sometimes even hurt our brothers and sisters.

So perhaps now we all back away from this topic quietly, cool off, and return without further discussion of what we all already know so we can move forward as the mostly pretty dang happy, respectful and fortunate-to-have-each-other family-style community that we are.

That's just my humble suggestion... The road to "all is forgiven" has its potholes. I assure you, I've driven it, been dragged down it, and even spent time sulking on the side of it. The good news is that the road beyond it is a much sweeter ride. Please, let's head there now.

Chris in LA

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