IML: Chattanooga Meet; was re: 1960 Imperial. It really began a four yea
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IML: Chattanooga Meet; was re: 1960 Imperial. It really began a four year model run.

--- henry ford <fordsfairlane@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> but I'm thinking ( if I don't chicken out first ) if
> I can get her to let me go fishing for a few hours .
> I might be able to slip on down there to take a look
> around, and get back before dark.  I estimated its
> about a 3 and a half hour drive one way. any
> thoughts?

I can tell you that it will be WELL WORTH the trip! 
Hope we see you there!

1965 Imperial LeBaron
1967 Chrysler Newport Custom Sedan
1970 Imperial LeBaron
1971 Imperial LeBaron

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