Re: IML: 73 AutoTemp Success!!
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Re: IML: 73 AutoTemp Success!!

--- Brad Hogg <luxoliner@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> This is a perfect example of how much easier it is
> to diagnose and repair and ATC system than it is
> to rip it out and convert it to manual AC.
> Congratulations Jerry!  Job well done!

I'll likewise add my congratulations to Jerry!  The
AutoTemp system is somewhat like Longfellow's
description of his second daughter: "When she was
good, / She was very good indeed, / But when she was
bad she was horrid."  ;o)  When it works right, it's
quite impressive, but getting it to work right can be
a challenge (and we all love a challenge, right?).

There's nothing more impressive than gliding down the
highway in Imperial splendor with the AutoTemp on, and
just about the time you think to yourself that you're
getting a little warm, you hear a small click from the
dash as the AutoTemp bumps up the fan speed to insure
your driving comfort.  If that doesn't make you smile,
I don't know what will.

While you're working on your AutoTemp, don't forget to
consult the Master Technicians Service Conference
booklet on our website, available at
 It does a great job of explaining how all the
components work together.

I'd also recommend some yoga and meditation, just for
sanity's sake.  ;o)

Good luck!

1965 Imperial LeBaron
1967 Chrysler Newport Custom Sedan
1970 Imperial LeBaron
1971 Imperial LeBaron

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