John - be sure you start at TDC. Put your finger over the plug hole
to make sure the piston's up on compression. I've set these 180 degrees
out more than once. Once close to tdc, put a pencil in the plug hole and
turn the motor by hand until the piston is at the highest level. Check the
timing mark and then the rotor to confirm everything is in time. Check all
plug wires to confirm they are in the right order. If there's compression,
spark and gas it should go. Digging a little deeper, a compression check
should be made. If the timing gears were changed, confirm the dots are
lined up. This stuff is easy to install incorrectley, especially when I'm
pumped up about starting a new motor. Pull the valve covers and make sure
every valve is moving correctly, this could cause a slow cranking speed if some
are out of sequence. Mopar's Engine Book, part number P5249704, has a
great troubleshooting guide for initial start ups after rebuilds. It's
available at any dealer. Good luck - keep us posted.