----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 4:45
Subject: Re: IML: Contest, What year
proposed Imperial?
Might one dare to hope that we are talking about
2006? Based on the runaway success of the latest 300? Isn't it
cool, in passing, to read in the business section, that while Ford and
GM are being obliged to cut back on production, Daimler Chrysler sales are
surging, and that this situation comes about due to the popularity of a car
and not a truck, though DCA truck sales are also increasing? No one has
been more dismissive of the idea of the return of the Imperial than me.
I also disliked the new 300 and agreed with a dismissive assessment of it that
it was an answer to a question that no one had asked. I should have been
listening to my wife, who loves the car, and seriously wants one. With
the success of this stylish, very American, rear wheel drive, V8 powered
automobile, all of a sudden the idea that the Imperial could see a comeback no
longer seems to be such a pipe dream.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 1:15
Subject: IML: Front-wheel-drive
Imperial? >>Contest<<
I just came into a magazine article that has preliminary
design sketches of a proposed front-wheel drive Imperial that looks like it
was pretty serious and could have worked to one degree or another.
This was considered as the design was being laid out for the upcoming
"major" restyle and looks like it could have worked - maybe even radically
affected the design direction of the company thereafter.
It was not adopted.
It is not the 1990-1993 series of cars that did
get the front-wheel drive layout.
So, for all the people out there that fancy themselves Imperial savvy,
does anyone want to hazard a guess as to which year this was proposed
If you respond in public and get it right before anyone else, I'll mail
you a prize relevant to your year car from my literature collection.
Triple extra bonus points if you can identify the source of the inspiration
for this flight of fancy. Answer will be announced Saturday.