I'd like to add, if I may, my opinion on the "Imperials as collector cars"
thread. It would appear that while operable Imperials are inexpensive to
acquire they will be prized by the demolition derby community, where the
Imperial, it seems, ranks high for several reasons, not the least of which
is how far back the radiators are from the front of the cars, making them
more difficult to knock out. Also, savvy purchasers strip the cars before
the race and offset initial expenses by selling rare parts to the likes of
us. Why else do you see a whole glut of really nice parts appear on eBay
from the same seller all at once?
It would also appear that operable Imperials are likely to remain
inexpensive until the supply runs out. They have only a limited appeal and
even that is often short lived. They are difficult cars to work on, parts
are relatively difficult to obtain, and owners, outside of this forum, don't
get much respect for their efforts.
What is most troubling of all is the appearance of a message from an
individual who used to post here all the time that his cars are now for
sale. I find this very disturbing. All that time, effort and money and
then . . . what? It sure makes you stop and think.
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