Your trunk lining sounds correct to me. '50s and '60s Imperials had a standard color trunk kit, with carpet on the floor and matching color card board on the sides. The only real option was a matching spare tire cover in LeBarons. The trunk was never done to match the exterior color of the car. That said, someone could have paid a dealer or an upholstery shop to do anything, but few ever seem to have done that. Paul In an email dated Sun, 14 11 2004 6:40:56 pm GMT, "acorn2" <acorn2@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: >i was examining the trunk of our newly aquired purchase to see what condition it is in. ? The floor of the trunk and ?the section where the ?lock is located ?is carpeted, ?the sides and wheel arches ?have a ?cardboard shapes which hides most of the metal . ?i was wondering if this is how it should be or if the trunk ?would have ?been completely fitted out with carpet . >the carpet in the trunk ?is pale blue ?but the body colour is copper [code N ] would the the carpet ?have been ?the same as the body colour ? > >i have been on the ?imp by year site but ?cannot make out if the trunks are all carpet >kind regards ? ? ken/annette ? UK > ----------------- ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to
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