Ther's also an insert on the '58 but completly different than in '57.
It's rather a ring than a "plate". But the reference must be different
than the '57. Perhaps the book was printed before production ? The major default of the '57 is that when it rains or when you wash the car the water remains in the lower part of the disc, so after some years you have corrosion of the aluminised disc. Chrysler (which must have some complaints) put on '58 Flite sweep lid a small hose at the lower point of the inside area which collect the water: the hose runs inside the trunk and points under the trunk handle. So the '57 disc couldn't be used. --
Philippe COURANT (Pau, France)- Webmaster des sites ACCF et C-I-F Imperial 1957 Crown convertible Buick 1996 Roadmaster wagon
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