I've made mention before about my 68 4 door hardtop
"Lucy" and me and my children's efforts to get her on the road. Well, my son
helped me bleed the front brakes, then I looked at the calipers lines and
everything real closely cause the fellow who sold it to me said it had a fluid
leak in the front part of the brake system. Well, it's lost a lil fluid, but
before I go to tearing it apart, I want to know where. Despite that, I cant find
any leaks. My daughter Heather returns from visiting my sister and is helping me
down around the garage and I explain what me and her brother John did to the car
and how mystified I was. She says ok then just looks at the car with the hood up
while I putter around in the garage getting the lawn tractor ready to mow.
A few minutes later, she calls me and says, "Dad,
is that supposed to be wet there?"
I look and where the master cylinder bolts to the
power booster is wet with brake fluid. I had assumed it had just spilt there,
but there was more there than when I had looked previously.
I tell her, "No it isnt, but good eyes!!" We'll go
order a fresh master cylinder tomorrow and once we get the gas tank swap from
coupe to 4 door, our Imp should be about driveable!
I figure its leaking out where the pushrod for the
brake pedal goes into the master cylinder, and has probably been that way for
sometime. Hope the power brake booster isnt going to fail too
Always good to get a fresh outlook on things from
time to time, it was such a subtle thing she saw, I doubt I'd have figured it
out before a bunch more busted knuckles and additional frustration!
Phil <><