Lawrence R Noska lnoska@xxxxxxxxxxxx Hauser, ID 83854 -----Original Message----- From: Larry Noska [mailto:lnoska@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 8:22 AM To: Dick Benjamin Subject: Dads 82 Speed Control Servo Questions?? Quartz Lock Radio Dick Do you know if the cable from the Speed Control Servo to the speedometer is needed on the Imperial? The FSM shows two cables, one from the transmission, and one to the speedometer but that's as far as it goes. The one that goes to my speedometer is missing! But the speedometer is working! The pictorial on page 8-89 fig-1 labels the cables, however that pictorial is for molds J,E and T only. The pictorial on page 8-92 fig 2 for model Y cars, the cables are shown but not labeled. I have looked under my dashboard and haven't found a place for a missing cable! Can you help me with this? Larry. PS. I was able to find a remote transmitter to fit in the cavity of the sun visor, so now the garage button works my garage door opener. The radio at the junkyard is a quartz lock, but is not the same model as the ones in the Imperial. It has only three station buttons and no lock or distance buttons, are you interested anyway? If so I can go to the junkyard on Monday, all I would ask you to pay for is the radio and shipping. Lawrence R Noska lnoska@xxxxxxxxxxxx Hauser, ID 83854