Howdy Scott, If you are new to Imperial parts hunting, parts cars can be found at: Wildcat Auto Wrecking, Sandy, Or, and American Classic Auto Wrecking, Vancouver, Wa. SMS Auto Fabrics in Portland is a great source for interior materials. Of course, NAPA Auto Parts, gives a AAA Membership discount and are one of the most reliable sources of quality replacement parts. Congrats on the '64, get accustomed to the awe struck. Eric Ruud Portland, OR '63 Crown Four-Door '72 Newport Custom Sedan New Subscriber(s): Scott A. Allen Email Address is: tamscoallen@xxxxxxx Member Location: Vancouver, Washington Car(s) owned: I have a 1964 Crown. Beige/Beige. Self-Introduction: I have wanted a car like this since I was old enough to know what they were. This Imperial is five years older than me but I want to see it like it was rolling the streets in '64. It's all there, just needs some love and a lot of time consuming work. But it will all be worth it, people already stop and it's only parked in my driveway.