But it doesn't have swivel seats!!The Shriner's cars were ordered with all options except swivel seats !! The french '61 Shriner (follow the URL on the ebay bid ) neither has the swivel seats , seems that the Shriner's didn't like them...
-- Philippe COURANT (Pau, France)- Webmaster des sites ACCF et C-I-F Imperial 1957 Crown convertible Buick 1996 Roadmaster wagon - American Car Club de France (ACCF) : http://www.accf.com - Chrysler Imperial France (C-I-F) : http://www.ifrance.com/c-i-f - Cadillac " Standard of Excellence " : http://www.ifrance.com/accf-cad - SportsCars : http://www.ifrance.com/accf-sprtcar