Once again, maybe its seasonal , we are at loggerheads about whats fit to post and whats not. Obviously as the " rules" state, for the folks who have read them, there are things nobody wants to see like blatant personal attacks, the one liner responses to posts like " Way to go Joe", the responses that should have gone to the individual but not to the list etc etc etc. Having the privilege to be on 4 other mopar related lists and the wagon list, theres no best way to deal with this. The moderators and administrators have an unenviable job in trying to do what they do, Id rather herd chickens with a rope. One list is VERY liberal, with the approach that unless it falls into the personal attack type of thing, you just post and take your licks if it comes back to you. There are probably 75 or so regular folks who post and another 150 or so who " lurk" - they read but seldom post. The consensus seems to be, if all they want to do is read and not participate thats fine, but if they want to have a fit about it thats too bad. Another one, about the same size as far as regular participants, is rather strictly regulated. Enforcement is rather swift and people actually do get removed for a week or so if they just dont get the point. Im not sure I'd ever be in favor of that, at the risk of losing a valued member. On the other hand, you sometimes cant please folks no matter what you do and there are also those who just dont get the point and you have to keep after them constantly to abide like the rest. Why am I even going on about this, well I know how frustrating it is for people when they dont think their opinion matters or when they dont think the current solution is the best one. Im not going to throw stones, as for me Id rather just delete a message than suffer censorship. I also have to admit, I wouldnt be against the occasional enforcement of the " rules", though I imagine it is a hard thing to do when you have to actually do that. I suppose if we all just took a moment, realized how much we all gain from the IML and the website that it has created, and how much we would all collectively have lost if it didnt exist, if the folks who scan and post to the site and do all that computer work werent around, and maybe we would realize that a lot of the complaining is much ado about nothing. Respectively submitted, Mikey 62 Crown Coupe __________________________________________________________________ mike sutton ICQ#: 34908704 Current ICQ status: + More ways to contact me i See more about me: __________________________________________________________________