Thanks to all who have answered to my previous post. I've called my friend today and after some hours of work the '59 Coronet runs again and very smoothly ! My friend thinks that there was a poor ground somewhere on the engine: ther's a battery disconnect switch under the dash and he found that the wires screws weren't very tightened. he remembers also that a test light sometimes worked and sometime not when it was grounded to engine. About vacuum leak, he has plugged the vacuum line to avoid leakage (and put a little more advance). He tests the car 10 miles and all was OK. Difference is that tomorrow we've 450 miles to drive ! I'll made a report of the Chrysler Anciennes but first i must make the 1000 miles trip !! Will give some news monday if i'm not too tired.. I've put in my trunk: starter - points / condenser / distributor - coil - electric fuel pump - set of belts - oils (engine / trans / rear end) - anti freeze - brake fluid - electrical wiring - test light - multimeter - tools and .. beers. My '59 Coronet has the same parts + wheel puller - battery booster - seal beams According to my previous tests the '57 has 11-13 mpg average fuel comsumption so the fuel budget will be rather dreadful !! (1 gallon = 3.75 $ ..). I expect 85 gallons ( = 320 $ !). -- Philippe COURANT (Pau, France) Imperial 57 Crown convertible Buick 58 Roadmaster sedan - American Car Club de France (ACCF) : - Chrysler Imperial France : - Cadillac " Standard of Excellence " : - SportsCars :